Please send your written application documents to:

Arnz FLOTT GmbH Machine tools
Human Resources
Vieringhausen 131
42857 Remscheid

+49 2191 979 – 101

FLOTT has a new style!

All drill orders placed from 1 February 2025 will be delivered in elegant black – a design that will not only enhance your workshop functionally, but also visually. From tried and tested grey to modern black.

22. – 27.09.2025 / EMO / Hannover (DE)
ExhibitionEMOPlaceHannover (DE)Date22. - 27.09.2025Fair
15. – 16.05.2025 / E.W. NEU / Worms (DE)

Die E.W. NEU GmbH lädt zur Hausmesse ein. Wir sind mit verschiedenen Bohrmaschinen und dem neuen Felix 2.0 vor Ort. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!


Kommen Sie zum SHOWROOM-LUNCH bei Martini Maschinenservice und entdecken Sie unsere neuesten Maschinen.
Genießen Sie dabei nette Gespräche und die Gelegenheit zum Netzwerken.

25. – 28.03.2025 / STOM-TOOL / Kielce (PL)
ExhibitionSTOM-TOOL 2025 / KielcePlaceKielce (PL)Date25. - 28.03.2025BoothHalle 2, Stand 2-C01Fair Sp.z.o.o., Polen
11. – 14.03.2025 / intec / Leipzig (DE)

Wir sind Aussteller auf der intec in Leipzig. Die internationale Fachmesse für Werkzeugmaschinen, Fertigungs- und Automationstechnik. Dann stehen Produkte, Technologien, Innovationen, Dienstleistungen und …

10. – 11.10.2024 / E.W. NEU / Worms (DE)

Die E.W. NEU GmbH lädt zur Hausmesse ein. Wir sind mit verschiedenen Bohrmaschinen und dem neuen Felix 2.0 vor Ort. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

08 – 11.10.2024 / MSV / Brno (CZ)
ExhibitionMSV/ Brno (CZ)PlaceBrno (CZ)Date08. - 11.10.2024BoothHall P, Booth No. 22Fair URL, Praha (CZ)
10. – 14.09.2024 / AMB / Stuttgart (DE)
ExhibitionAMB / StuttgartPlaceStuttgart (DE)Date10. - 14.09.2024BoothHalle 9, Stand 9C13Fair Arnz FLOTT is an exhibitor at the AMB in Stuttgart. AMB - International Exhibition for Metalworking - is considered the leading trade fair in even-numbered years and is one of the top five in this industry worldwide. More than 1,300 exhibitors from almost 30 countries [...]
09. – 13.09.2024 / IMTS 2024 / Chicago (USA)
ExhibitionIMTS 2024 / Chicago (USA)PlaceChicago (USA)Date09. - 13.09.2024BoothSouth Building, Booth 338012Fair URLwww.imts.comDealerKNUTH Machine Tolls USA Inc.
A visit to the BZI Remscheid

Yesterday we visited the BZI Remscheid. The BZI is the most modern vocational training center of the metal and electrical industry in Germany. Diverse training and further education opportunities in cooperation and sponsorship …

19. – 22.03.2024 / STOM-TOOL / Kielce (PL)
ExhibitionSTOM-TOOL 2024 / KielcePlaceKielce (PL)Date19. - 22.03.2024BoothHalle B, Stand Nr. B12Fair Sp.z.o.o., Polen
13. – 15.03.2024 / BLE.CH / Bern (CH)
ExhibitionBLE.CH / BernPlaceBern (CH)Date13. - 15.03.2024BoothHalle 3.0 / Stand Nr. A31Fair URLwww.ble.chDealerMehring AG
12. – 15.03.2024 / TechniShow / Utrecht (NL)
ExhibitionTechniShow / UtrechtPlaceUtrecht (NL)Date12. - 15.03.2024BoothHalle 8, Stand Nr. C038DealerWolthuis Machines
03. – 06.03.2024 / Eisenwarenmesse / Köln (DE)
ExhibitionINTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIRPlaceKöln (DE)Date03. - 06.03.2024BoothHall 10.2, Booth G 015Fair More than 3,000 exhibitors from all over the world present their latest products and innovations – from machine tools, tools and accessories to construction and DIY supplies to fittings, fasteners and connection technology. Buyers and retailers can discover the latest market trends live on [...]
Vice felix 2.0

The improved version of the innovative vice is now here! Patented clamping mechanism ensures clamping of the vice with one hand movement No unintentional banging or turning of the vice while …

TZA 18 – the beer dispenser

Understanding our customers and their wishes is the basis for developing first-class products. We were completely surprised by the very high level of customer interest in our products, which were specially developed for our trade fairs.

10. – 12.10.2023 / METAVAK / Gorinchem (NL)
ExhibitionMETAVAKPlaceGorinchem (NL)Date10. - 12.10.2023BoothStand H104Fair URLwww.metavak.nlDealerWolthuis
18. – 23.09.2023 / EMO / Hannover (DE)
ExhibitionEMOPlaceHannover (DE)Date18. - 23.09.2023BoothHalle 16 | E 11Fair Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch! Bestellen Sie jetzt ihr personalisiertes e-Ticket. {{ vc_btn: title=e-Ticket+bestellen&style=flat&shape=square& }}
31.05. – 03.06.2023 / EMAF 2023 / Porto (PT)
Foto: Messe Porto ExhibitionEMAF 2023PlacePorto (PT)Date31.05. - 03.06.2023Fair URLemaf.exponor.ptDealerPedro Peixoto, Lda. Arnz FLOTT exhibits together with his partner Pedro Peixoto LDa. We are exhibiting the following machines: TB 13 Plus, TB 15 Plus, SB 28 Plus (black), SB M3 ST, SB 40 NC Plus, SB P40 STG PV transparent, HBS 225 A, PBS 120 Plus, [...]
07. – 10.03.2023 / Global Industries / Lyon (FR)
ExhibitionGlobal IndustriesPlaceLyon (FR)Date07. - 10.03.2023BoothHalle 3, Stand 3D 192Fair Arnz FLOTT ist Aussteller auf der Global Industries in Lyon. Besuchen Sie uns in Lyon!
07. – 10.03.2023 / intec / Leipzig (DE)
ExhibitionintecPlaceLeipzig (DE)Date07. - 10.03.2023BoothHalle 3, Stand H22Fair Arnz FLOTT ist Aussteller auf der intec in Leipzig. Besuchen Sie uns in Leipzig!
Agile PEP Minds 2021

Jan Peter Arnz is a speaker at Agile PEP Minds in Berlin – the event when it comes to agile methods in the German-speaking …

Open days at the BZI Remscheid

On a total of 14,000 square meters, there are not only the areas of education and training, but also the …

04. – 06.10.2022 / TOOLEX / (PL)
ExhibitionTOOLEXPlaceSosnowiec (PL)Date03. - 07.10.2022
04 – 06.10.2022 / METAVAK / Gorinchem (NL)
ExhibitionMETAVAKPlaceGorinchem (NL)Date04. - 06.10.2022Fair URL
Delivery campaign 2021

Unfortunately, we have to inform you that the delivery campaign 2021 “We make it possible” had to be stopped until further notice.

13 – 17.09.2022 / AMB 2022 / Stuttgart (DE)
Photo: Messe Stuttgart ExhibitionAMB 2022PlaceStuttgart, DEDate13. - 17.09.2022BoothHalle 9 / Stand 9C50Fair Arnz FLOTT is exhibitor at the AMB in Stuttgart. AMB - International Exhibition for Metalworking - is considered the leading trade show in even-numbered years and is one of the top five worldwide in this industry. In September 2022, it will be [...]
12 – 17.09.2022 / IMTS / Chicago (USA)
ExhibitionIMTSPlaceChicago (USA)Date12. - 17.09.2022Fair URL
30.08. – 02.09.2022 / Technishow / Utrecht (NL)
ExhibitionTechnishowPlaceUtrecht, NiederlandeDate30.08. - 02.09.2022Fair URL & H+K Benelux
The new chip tray!

Bohrspäne sind nur schwer aus den T-Nuten und vom Bohrmaschinentisch zu entfernen. Mit Spänepinsel, Sauger oder …

21 – 24.06.2022 / METAV / Düsseldorf (D)
ExhibitionMETAV, DüsseldorfPlaceDüsseldorf, DeutschlandDate21. - 24.06.2022BoothHalle 16 / Stand D39Fair We hereby cordially invite you to visit our booth at METAV 2020 (2022). The FLOTT team is looking forward to meeting you! You do not have a ticket yet? Contact us, we will be happy to invite you! You can expect: Drilling technology the PLUS [...]
17 – 20.05.2022 / Global Industry / Paris (FR)
ExhibitionSalon Global IndustryPlaceParis, FrankreichDate17. - 20.05.2022Booth6Q129Fair We hereby cordially invite you to visit our stand at the Salon Global Industrie Lyon trade fair. The FLOTT team is looking forward to meeting you! You do not have a ticket yet? Contact us, we will be happy to invite you! You can expect: Drilling technology SB [...]
10 – 13.05.2022 / MACH-TECH / Budapest (HU)

MACH-TECH Budapest

Dealer: Zomko

05 – 08.04.2022 / Industry Fair / Celje (SI)
ExhibitionIndustry FairPlaceCelje (SI)Date05.04. - 08.04.2022Fair URL, Igor Meglic s.p.
05 – 07.04.2022 / STOM-TOOL / Kielce (PL)
ExhibitionSTOM-TOOLPlaceKielce (PL)Date05. - 07.04.2022Fair URL
Meine neue “Flott TB 13 Plus”

Herr Trimborn von der bladecommunity hatte verständlicherweise sehr hohe Ansprüche an eine neue Tischbohrmaschine.


The new FLOTT ACADEMY with Felix Röwekämper shows how it works. The first two Academy videos on the topics …

05 – 07.10.2021 / Metavak / Gorinchem (NL)
ExhibitionMetavak GorinchemPlaceGorinchem, NiederlandeDate05. - 07.10.2021Fair
08 – 10.09.2021 / MTMS-Machineering / Brussels (BE)
ExhibitionMTMS Machining 2021PlaceBrüssel, BEDate08. - 10.09.2021BoothHalle 8Fair
06 – 09.09.2021 / Global Industry / Lyon (FR)
ExhibitionSalon Global IndustryPlaceLyon, FrankreichDate06. - 09.09.2021BoothHalle 3, Stand 3F135-3F137Fair Hiermit laden wir Sie ganz herzlich zu unserem Stand auf der Messe Salon Global Industrie Lyon  ein. Das FLOTT Team freut sich auf Sie! Sie haben noch kein Ticket? Sprechen Sie und an, wir laden Sie gerne ein! Sie erwartet: Bohrtechnik SB 40 NC Plus [...]
The technical possibilities

The current special exhibition in the German Tool Museum will be accompanied by practical demonstrations and answers to all questions.

24. – 28.05.2021 / Metalloobrabotka / Moskau (RUS)
ExhibitionMetalloobrabotkaPlaceMoskau, RusslandDate24.05. bis zum 28.05.2021BoothPavillon Forum, Stand FB 160Fair Hiermit laden wir Sie ganz herzlich zu unserem Stand auf der Metalloobrabotka 2021  ein. Das FLOTT Team freut sich auf Sie! Sie haben noch kein Ticket? Sprechen Sie und an, wir laden Sie gerne ein! Sie erwartet: Bohrtechnik SB 25 Plus TB 13 Plus SB [...]
75 Years and not a bit old

Times change. And so, unfortunately, Dieter Schröder’s saw and tool factory had to close its doors after 100 years.

Digitalization in assembly

Continuous optimisation and intelligent new developments in drilling, grinding and sawing technology speak for the innovative power and …

The BZI confirms its good reputation

During the open days, visitors experienced the exciting everyday life of the training. NRW Minister Laumann praised the offer.

FLOTT in the German Tool Museum

165 years of tradition and still in family ownership. Reason enough to look at the history of the company and the development of the drill.

Preisträger des DASP 2019

Der Mechatroniker Felix Röwekämper aus Ibbenbüren hat mit der Entwicklung eines Bohrmaschinenschraubstocks mit integriertem …

Drilling machine vice Felix

With different drilling machines, the workpiece is clamped between the jaws of a vice for fixing.

25.05. – 29.05.2020 / BIEMH / Bilbao (ES)
ExhibitionBIEMHPlaceBilbao (ES) Date25.05. - 29.05.2020BoothBooth 1/ B-04
31.03. – 02.04.2020 / Stom-Tool / Kielce (PL)
ExhibitionStom-ToolPlaceKielce, PolenDate31.03. - 02.04.2020BoothBooth A-15
17.03. – 20.03.2020 / Technishow / Utrecht (NL)
ExhibitionTechnishowPlaceUtrecht, NiederlandeDate17. - 20.03.2020BoothBooth 8.E038


We train in the following areas:

  • Industrial clerk (m/f/d)
  • Industrial mechanic (m/f/d)
  • Industrial mechatronics engineer (m/f/d)

Please send your application documents to the contact details above.


We are looking for students who want to write their diploma or bachelor thesis at FLOTT.


If you would like to do an internship with us, please contact us.
Appropriate vacancies will then be reviewed.